New Home

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Protect and Conserve

Natural habitats and biodiversity

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With individuals and communities for sustainable livelihoods

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Create Opportunities

For social and economic upliftment through enviro education

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Collaborate and Network

With groups and organisations with similar objectives

Slide 5
Raise Awareness

And promote public participation around key environmental issues

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WESSA is a membership-based organisation and, throughout South Africa, our members initiate environmental projects and organise educational events and activities in their local communities. By joining WESSA, you will be helping to provide valuable support for these volunteer initiatives and will be part of a growing environmental network operating at a grassroots community level via our branches, partners, business members, affiliates and friends groups.

                                         Reflections on 2023 as we head into 2024

Reflections on 2023 as we head into 2024

Click here to view the 2023 Newsletter

Dear WESSA KZN Members, Supporters and Friends,

Welcome to the latest issue of the WESSA KZN Green Spiral.

With very best wishes from the WESSA KZN Membership Team 💚


WESSA Lowveld Regional newsletter March 2023

To download, CLICK HERE


In a month jammed full of different environmental days WESSA Lowveld decided to focus on a few that are truly intertangled with one another namely 14/3 International Day of Action for Rivers, 20/3 World Frog Day, 22/3 World Water Day and 23-29/3 National Water Week.

Water is one of our most important resources and is integral to the success of life on earth, in short, without it there would be none. Despite this very commonly known fact it is still constantly under threat almost entirely due to human influence. From water scarcity, climate change and pollution (both chemical and physical) to name a few, we are doing a very good job at hurting the future for ourselves as well as every other creature and ecosystem in existence. Please explore related issues as well as solutions in the Lowveld March newsletter.

The Lowveld membership Team


As a non-profit environmental organisation we rely on the support of our members, sponsors and the general public. As such, we are most grateful for any donation you are able to give.