Suburban Wildlife
Suburban Wildlife in KZN has been an extremely popular addition to the Wildlife Handbook series. For easy reference, this full colour publication has clearly laid out, colour coded categories. The author of the book is well known entomologist, Dr Jason Londt who succeeds in making the topics both scientific and entertaining. With full colour pictures on every page, and written in an easy to understand style, it has instant appeal to a wide spectrum and is suitable for primary through to secondary school levels. The release date of this most accessible and informative book was timed to coincide with the United Nations International Year of Biodiversity in 2010. In the words of Dr. Jason Londt: “There is no doubt that our precious biodiversity is under great threat and that only one thing can save it – a proper appreciation of its true value. My hope is that people’s natural curiosity about animals that live in and around their homes will lead them to much greater appreciation of the incredible natural heritage that we as South Africans possess, as well as a willingness to stand up for its proper protection and management.”